What (would appreciate ANYTHING you have to add) would you tell someone before attending here?
Now that I'm not going to my dream school, would it be okay to send my interviewer a link to my OF? He was SUPER cute and the vibes were there
Gun to your head, recite a wrestling promo word for word from memory. I’ll start…
Got into a school with 10% acceptance rate but not one with 85%
My school found my Reddit
How in the hell do terrorists justify killing innocent people in the name of islam!?
Senior assassin strategies/tips/advice/stories?
What film(s) are you going with?
Lets do a roast me based on our favorite movies
Mahmoud Khalil and how University students are under assault by our government.
Am I crazy
The best Batman movie.
Who is behind the mask?
what is you favorite match where your favorite wrestler lost?
How many diamonds would you pay for this?
What's the best water gun to buy under $30?
The iconic trio
Gen Z veterans are gonna be something else.....
Create Your Perfect Wrestler 🤔
University of Texas, in the Fallout Universe
Who should he face at mania?
Would yall agree that this is the Mt. Rushmore of wrestling heel turns?