Constantly bm:ing while losing is so cringe
What was ur first evolution ever?
I can't stop winning
I committed a crime
I added the zombies from PvZ1 that didn't make it
Hacker or what?
Smartest mk aq player
What would you call this deck I use?
Rose player hacking
What on earth is this abomination I played against
I added all the cards from PvZ1 that didn't make it
What mistake that your opponent does that makes you feel like this
Maybe if bro emoted less he woulda won lol
Man pets have become a real deal
Buffing Cards: #12 Elixir Collector
Which Evo should I get?
Paaan Caaakes!
Just found this clash royale ducks at a random store
What does this stamp mean lmfao
Glaze your favorite fruit and everyone else try to slander it
Why is orca a 2/1 and lost colosseum a 2/3?
These are possibly the only cards available in the new ladder
Does Hog Rider need a nerf?
I’m curious to see what the community thinks about this: If you could nerf only 1 of these 4 evolutions, what would it be?
this should be enough, right.