H: GVeggie, GUni, GSBQ, GRobot,GPig,GHB,GBD, GAlien, and Responders outfit (not pictured) W: Apparel or Consumables
H: responders outfit W: offers
H: Leaders W: pounders, rejuv, reflec, or any other offer
H: Whatever’s Fair W: Vintage water cooler plan
H: G-Alien, GBD, GHB, G-Pig, G-Robot, GSBQ, G-Uni, & G-Veggie W: 4 star Mods
H: 40 leader bobbleheads W: Caps
H: 500 leader bobbleheads W: melee bobbleheads
H: Savage Divide Bundle (wasteland lottery) W: Other Apparel
H: basically all best mods W: apparel
H: Glowing Unicorn W: Glowing Robot + Glowing Turkey
Bad day to not have caps😢😢
H:G Robot W:Glowing Fas Offers
H: Glowing Unicorn W: Glowing Robot +add (other apparel or aid no weapons or armor)
H: glowing unicorn, robot, turkey, ghb, gsbq w: offers
H: Bffr50break Holy Fire W: Offers
H: Glowing Unicorn W: Glowing Robot +add
I don't understand. Why do this?
I’m fairly new to trading but what is this??? Should i be concerned lol
H: Glowing Unicorn W: Glowing Robot + small add
wtf is going on 😭
H: Glowing Unicorn W: Leather Coat
H: Traveling Leather Coat W: Glowing Robot +add or Glowing Unicorn 1:1