okay but like.... alan from subnautica below zero is kindaaa
I might be a therian apparently?
I'm silly
Don't you dare
The Super Toucano is done and on the ps4 workshop!
my Sally Face merch and pen are the only things that bring me comfort during class
If you could design/build your own body, would you do it and what would it look like?
>>Insert tiktoks parodying #deep tiktoks and their comments<<
Hello, new here, whats up with everyone, whats this sub about?
Everyone please sit for the parapallegiance.
Shit like this is why I love reddit
ughhhhh im so sleepy all the timeeee
I gotta come clean
daily reminder to stay hydrated and nourished (already did? that's great!) - day 46
Jolyne for President !!!! | jesoxo_cos
no I don't wanna go to school :(
Day 2 of cat posting
I was just searching for r/teenagers 😭
I wana hug a seal, that's it really
Random Word Day 7
Hello friends and opps (vic)
forgot to interact whoopsies
Give me your hottest take
Artillery pods
More Pareidolia with Lia, it's a fish