What Is Your Go to Thrash Album?
What Are Your 5 Desert Island Thrash Albums?
What Thrash Band You Feel is Underrated and Doesn't Get Much Love.
Should the Cavalera Brothers take back the Sepultura name and continue on?
What Thrash Band got you into the genre?
EXODUS Signs With NAPALM RECORDS: 'It's Time For A New Chapter For The Band'
Who's Your Idea Thrash Drummer?
Thoughts On Bands Re-recording Music
What Thrash Band Would You Say Has Not One Bad Release in Their Discography?
What's your opinion on the Rob Dukes era of Exodus?
Which One of These Bands Released the Best Thrash Comeback Album of the 2000s.
Gary Holt is not a fan of Impact Is Imminent. Do you agree?
Did Metallica Record a Making of 72 Seasons?
Why Doesn't Metallica Ever Take Other Thrash Bands on Tour?
Do You Think They Will Ever Be a Garage Days 2?
Why Hasn't Metallica Ever Performed Loverman Live?