The attitude on that camel nose fuck.
Omni Man (Nolan) without moustache.
The only man who can beat the Empire
What if I told you back in the day she's wasn't a peice of ass
George, my love, my sunshine, my summer lily, please just talk about the oily black stone.
Angstroms three technicians?
The immortal really can't do shit other than take Ls
Ummm. The Brotherhood are here, and Bunker Hill has been battled. Yet Diamond City is locked. How do I fix?
How many years do you think he could live before succumbing to old age?
the colonel in there killed your fathuh
Found it so fascinating on how much this added to Conquest's character, made me actually end up feeling bad for him. Dude been feeling this way for tens of thousands years.
What are some things the show has done better than the comic so far?
But are you still "Master of your Domain?"
Wait a minute. Does this means? OMG Drummer boy
Gerry, are you in the IRA?
Which invisible are you?
Additional ghoul retransformations will each cost 1,000 Atoms
Homelander vs Sportacus
He was an elder, T… our biggest churner
Why is Immortal raping? That isn’t heroic 😧
Anyone else think the kid kinda overreacted here?
Some impact frames from episode 8
Believe me when I say book Jaime would have slapped late show Jaime
Visual representation of overall story progress
His desperation broke me.