I’m so tired of YouTuber essayist using Uncharted as an example of “games that look dated because it doesn’t have good art design”.
RA9 - Interesting theory
I just found out that Nathan, Sully and Chloe discovered goddamn Agartha??
For people who consider themselves attractive, what was the moment that first made you think “oh sh*t, I think I might be attractive?”
The trailer’s quality and bitrate are much better on the PlayStation Store (via PS5)
Is DBH better than Heavy Rain?
So red seems to be a prominent color! Why is everyone wearing red?
If you could Time Travel for a day, Would you go to the Past or Future?
Lemur scene in Uncharted 4 is even funnier because of that
what do you think about this game?
Are we going to discuss recent Assassins creed games having no heart?
What is the most unnecessary thing in a video game?
What’s a completely normal thing you do that makes people look at you like you’re crazy?
If you haven’t tried playing the game with HUD completely off you are missing out!
Is there any way to get the “Investigation” OST but with the high pitched sound that is only present in game and not in the official OSY
Who’s started replaying Death Stranding to get ready for the sequel?
when does nathan drake look like this in uncharted 3
I'm new to gaming & Reddit and only played one Uncharted game (so far)
Red Samurai, friend or foe?
Does Much Change?
Guys am i tripping or does Sam have a new ducking move?
Favorite Analysis Videos?
Heartman now has a big heart instead of an AED
Well. This is an interesting image it seems that Sam has noticeably shorter hair is this a possible hint at customisation for him? As throughout the trailer he does have longer hair. However it was this image that made me think we can give him a different hair style and potential customisation
Got back in playing Valhalla. It’s so satisfying to play with the HUD fully off