favorite junk stores?
Raspberry pi zero with led matrix performance issues
Raspberry Pi 5 with ollama cooling fan hack
gemma3:1b - ollama & open-webui
What icdo with this ( all fonctionnal )
Is this the right approach for my project?
MDF box
New batteries are here????!!! I hope this is legit!
RGB matrix train times display
Is this holly tree dead?
Boxes.py generator tutorial
DIY Electronic Busy Board
I need some advice for a project with pi 5
Felting with ATtiny 85 project
Found this in a CD player
I need more IOs than what the Uno has, which Arduino should I get as an upgrade?
What is wrong with this?
Push buttons not turning on my LEDs irl despite them working in Tinkercad
Brick and mortar stores??
Cyber*uck parking lot
Should I have waited to repot?
Teaching resources
Programming an Attiny85