Found out why my daughter has disappeared from my life again.
Quick census - which country are you from?
CS details shared with our teen & more lying
My 9 year old was told to record me on a visit
I have 7 days to prepare for court
Daily Cyclone Alfred post
False sense of security
How’s the rain in your area?
How do I respond to an angry teen?
Go home, Alfred. You're drunk.
For those who repartnered, how does your significant other manage your experience with PA?
So broken today.
What's the most Aussie way of telling someone you don't believe what he's saying?
I am looking for funny songs
How to fix things with bio dad after PA
What non-offensive word/phrase can I use instead of "autistic/acoustic"?
Do you use the word forwent?
For those who are divorced or separated and went through settlement and so forth, which side of that process did your alienation start?
What’s an Australian habit you thought was normal until you realized the rest of the world doesn’t do it?
I got a present from my ex husband on Valentine's Day...
Long day
[ Removed by Reddit ]
13 year old son no longer communicating with dad, stepmom, or siblings
Just wanted to say Brisbane Police are not good