Knut…I think it’s time to leave America Sadge
Knut talks to a kid KEKW classic
Funniest comment ever — Dookeh
Knut realises what it’s like to be the mother of pepega teenage boys
Knut eating is just something else DansGame
Knut spends a day boating with some youngsters and learns to feel alive again
Knut discovers his dream job, working while lying down
Knut realises he invested in a weeb gym
Knut eating a banana is kinda weird
If you could describe all of knut’s streams in one clip
Knut in an empty room doing absolutely nothing
Knut embraces his new American lifestyle
Knut in a room filled with absolutely nothing, doing absolutely nothing
Think bodybuilding is hardcore? Try darts
Knut gets a bit too real
Knut at this time of year - classic
Good thing Knut won’t have to worry about this scam for much longer
Tasty little Fanta Snowman in the Moonlight
Bob Ross Addressing 10 million at Times Square
This AI is getting a bit weird
Do we need men?
High School Gym Class in 1962
I vote for Knut to explore Scotland — my favourite country
New potential prime minister of Canada is a legend — Knut will like