Stolen from r/virtualyoutubers
Homophobes be gone
Who are the REAL heartless monsters here?
I don't get the last one
Give me any Ninjago scene/collection of scenes (not too long) and I'll turn it into a gif
People hate the popular ones lol!!
The villian on your birth month is ur parent
Just checking
You can't say you're not homophobic if you are against gay marriage
Characters who carry their coats on their shoulders without putting them on their sleeves
I voted for Donald Trump because I'm _______.
From The Second Ring from hell .... #SallieMay is ready to Rumble !!!🔥 Just be careful, some people say she always wrestle with a hidden weapon!!🌶️😈 (
Become unbearable
I don't get it
Tbh I think Luffy is kinda ooc here
Gaming after 30
Why did all of Sengoku's hair magically turn white post-timeskip?
Where would you
My cyborg costume!
Luffy ate your last saved image, what is it?
what the biggest asspull in shonen?
I lost my job to the Trump administration and I whine less than these people.
What is your favorite joke from the Sonic Boom television series?
Here's my pokemon starters!
The next one to give a apology