My favorite type of goodbye is the Irish _______. 🍀
I bought a ________ and now I will use it to kill 9,000 people
To fix America we need to _____it
Can you believe that?
Rate my 6 month old dogs music taste
name one of my favorite albums and i’ll tell you my favorite song from it :)
Sometimes it feels like somebody’s ____ me
“My ____ wants to see meeee! TAKE THAT DEPRESSION!”
That’s it. No more ____. ____ is over. Cancelled. Dead.
Spirits, who is the most famous user on r/askouija
mom! i asked for a pony for my birthday, not a ______!
I know you watched 1 of these
Name this country.
question, is this too generic?
What is a small thing you’ve done online that you’re really proud of?
I just wanna be part of your Symphoneigh🐬🌈💧
I can't believe we got ____ before we got GTA VI
found a regional at best vinyl at my local record store last week. it says it was made in 2017 by the twenty one pilots fan club. do y’all know what’s up with this?
Wholesome Ouija more like ______some Ouija
In less than a week the entire internet has somehow switched from “💀” to “🥀” without any questioning.
Well sh@$. I ran over a child! Whatever will I do?
What’s the point of “karma farming” on Reddit?
Donald Trump is now ______
What should we rename the month of March to?