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Thoughts on Sodexo and the future of BMET careers?
Fucking badass
Prosao 15. Mart i Dodik jos na slobodi
What is the “Serbian Krajna??”
Teoretsko pitanje
Trump new Pentagon deputy press secretary on Kosovo
I will quit on Monday because I got a better offer. What should I do if they counter the offer?
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
Which Balkan country is the butt of every joke?
Da li je ćaci sin dilera?
President Trump says the US will make "hundreds of billions of dollars" from tariffs and "become so rich you won't know where to spend all that money."
Petah, is it 9/11 again ?
What even is the conspiracy here?
Čudan prelet helikoptera iz Beograda
Marco Rubio & SAD podržavaju BiH : "Dodik i njegovi postupci ugrožavaju sigurnost i stabilnost države."
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Statement from American Distillers’ President
Srbi neće ratovati za Dodika niti za ono što je ostalo od RS.
If Europe does spend 800B on arming themselves, did Trump successfully Buck Pass?
What do you think will happen globally once the war in Ukraine ends? Will it lead to lasting peace, more conflict or something else entirely?
Men who knowingly slept with married women, what pushed you?
When should you apply for BMET positions?
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