Which coldplay song is this for you?
What’s your favorite deep cut song from Coldplay
Which Coldplay song made you cry the most?
Favourite Coldplay song and least favourite Coldplay song
So proud but really guys?
What happened to the Christmas Beetles?
Looking for giveaway offering gmax toxtricity first guy who guesses my favorite number gets it (registed instant unregisted 30 days) tip: its not over 999
What is this remix?
Giving away Costco Paldean Fates Tins
I pulled a rare card in my first pack
She’s here! 2025 Alpina XB7
What engine is in my 2013 120i?
Now that the game is complete, what are your top 3 weapons and why?
Atleast give us the C5 Corvette to complete all collected models of the Corvette, hell i’ll even take a Tesla. But yet again another GTR and Evo. What model car would you all prefer in the next update
What's your most favorite YouTuber ?
The Protagonist of the last game you played must survive being hunted for 72 hours
Is there any car that I NEED to buy. I want lots of comments
Summon me for any boss that starts with ‘M’! On Xbox
Livery, yeah or nah??
Do you have any headcanons for any Rurouni Kenshin characters?
Who was harder?
Okay now that SOTE has been out for a while, what's your favorite weapon from the DLC?
PS5 I’ll smack Consort Radahn in the teeth for you
Why are all my games performing so bad?
Absolute masterpiece of a DLC but, there really is no such thing as a perfect game huh