they are surprisingly similar, what should I add?
Is the 2003 version worth watching?
After a little under two years, it’s finally done
Just finished fmab 😭
Having trouble with the multiplayer
Just finished reading this absolute masterpiece
Only - Home and + buttons work
Manga Recommendations
Make your team, Others will rate it
Beated the game with this monster of a team
Just blew my load on Shadow Ball for Gengar.
Took an inventory of my handhelds - I may have a problem
I haven't finished it but what do you think ?
The SP 🔥
Purple is so Good!
Nintendo Switch Lite Mod/Jailbreak
No sounds/music at all
How to open retroarch menu
What is this file?
Uninstalling RetroArch
Can't save (gb, gbc and gba)
Got a Japanese Pokemon Yellow 2ds the other day
Name your favorite video game but take away one word.
Help please!! Can't save (gb, gbc and gba)