If Harith is literally an S Tier Gold Laner, then how come he isn't that much picked in the lane and an average of <10K global hero power
Any other game recommendations that is just like PGR's combat dynamics and fast pased combat?
A very rare Savage caused by actual teamfight
[DISC] A Man and a Woman Unaware of Each Other's True Identity - Ch 1
Best Roamer to pair with Gold Lane Lunox?
Best Roam to pair with these Gold Lanes?
Can Wanwan ultimate crit?
Wanwan Crit Build?
>that feeling as an Angela main when you and the jungle take the whole enemy team:
E2 Moze vs March 7th (Hunt) E6 for Dr. Ratio?
Who is the better Jungle: Alpha or Julian?
Post your most psychopatic Danjin memes here
On this winter.
Little Nahida on a Sumeru music sheet
Why is everybody using sky piercer
Haven't even reached Rinascita but only one thought came when I first saw TD
Carlotta with BiS or Carlotta with Zhezhi?
Best hero to duo with Core Edith?
What should I name this?
Best gaming laptops under $10?
I’m salty.
If you could make a team consisting of heroes you play well in each role, what would your team look like and how strong would it be?
You clone yourself 4 times. How strong is your team
Is this game any good? Especially the combats?
Need a Tigreal main duo!