Cancer Vaccines Are Suddenly Looking Extremely Promising
Do you think this is a good idea? How may future iterations of VR impact prisons?
Would you want to be a cyborg in the far future?
Is it okay to be angry that we're not hyper advancing for eventual space evolution?
Would you like to live forever and why?
How will religious fundamentalists with significant power react to successful transhumanists, or say aliens?
Are transhumanists materialists or dualists?
Newbie seeking co-writer
The Problem of Anti-Utopianism
Make life multiplanetary
Will slaughter bots make politics an untenable profession?
Possibility of an unchanging society?
The flesh has its advantages
Biopunk: gimmicky or cool?
Give this abomination a name!
Scientists Discover 128 New Moons Around Saturn
I'm sorry, but you need to realize the truth. There is no chance in hell that living on Mars is an option.
Doing the math for a realistic future, 2500, the populations are just off the charts.
It's always "there's nothing we can do about it" when it doesn't concern them
Will a Dyson Swarm look ugly?
Excellent note-taker and brainstormer looking for additional partners
World-building Via Roleplay – Looking for partners.
What do you think of when you think of the future?