Suggestion: Farming Guild patches should be disease-free.
sorry, friends. today i have no choice but to be the Crap Candy guy.
Worst possible idea, I want to hear yours.
I made sugar cookies. Guess what I didn't use enough of. 😭
If I'm hunting Squirtle on Cyan and am past Master 10, should I start taking "naps" to get a higher chance at Squirtle?
This ship was built in such a way that it can never sink
Easiest Germany of my life.
I really wish this game would stop throwing me in Silver team duels when playing with a random person. 18 rounds is a bit ridiculous and boring being all cities.
Americans, how do you feel about every popular r/AskReddit post being about news in America?
Trade war could see American franchises replaced by Canadian versions
Yea this is probably the craziest thing ive seen while playing
Zone OS alternatives from other companies?
Struggle to make new friendships
Suggestion: Give bosses a 1/10k chance of respawning in lumbridge with full stats but only 10 hp.
2 Tbows before Dex
How would you make your first million as a low level player (level 50 and below).
Good YouTube series?
A great QOL feature would be if you were told the dish type before the week starts
Hit M20 for the first time with only Clodsire Eclairs. 0 Extra Tasty the entire week too.
Finally snagged that pesky yellow keris :)
Hello, is this thing on?
Wigglytuff vs Gardevoir
2004-2007 veterans, what sites did you use back in the day related to runescape?
Remember! Berries aren't the only snack for Snorlax this week!
[Giveaway] 5 Custom Discs for r/DiscGolf! Now PDGA Legal, Just comment here.