My FIRE Journey: Year 9 Update
My FIRE Journey: Mid-Year 2024 Check-In
S&P thoughts?
Best all world ETF to set and forget?
VWRA is no magic formula
Question about Dividends from US Nasdaq stock buying from IbKr
US market so jialat... fingers crossed for a rebound soon
DCA into VWRA for 3 years but have lots of spare cash
Cheapest way to buy solona SOL
Investing in Whisky
Why staying in the market works?
How did you discuss with your SO on financial/retirement planning?
My FIRE Journey: Year 8 Update
How much did your net worth increase or decrease for 2024?
Definitive 2025 advice for investing SRS funds into global or US equity position?
Optimising CPF OA against HDB loan
2X ETF for Long Term Hold?
Leveraging existing asset
VWRA+SWRD+A35 portfolio vs VRWA+STI+MBH portfolio
Considering To Start Investing In SPYL and VWRA As DCA As My First Foray Into ETFs!
FIRE housing discussion for DINK 25k take home 1.25M net worth
How much have you made from your investments in 2024?
Dividend Investing
Investing CFP OA
Lost all motivation and drive after inheritance and hesitant to pull the trigger. Seeking advice from young fatFIREes