asking for nessie
trading heavenly long pike
Trading 2 shiny festive nessies and adds for a minty nessie
Lf fish with minty and supercharged eels
i need prism rod so I’m trading this for 15m SO WHO WANTS A ATLANTEAN NESSIE FOR 15M?
Lf Superchargeds, Ancient krakens,ancient orcas and nss
OVERPAYING FOR RARE TURKEY MUTATIONS (minty, festive, jolly, sinister, ghastly)
Trading (Overpaying) My 100+ Nessies for YOUR rare UNAPP love storms, or supercharges :)
LF unapp nessies, nessies with certain mutations (app ghastly, app sinister, minty, jolly, atlantean), and fischfright fish
Fisch is not paid to win
Looking For Unappraised Supercharges
How are people still defending this game?
no exotic rarity and below, message me. legit trading only!
How rare is this? and I’m trading this un appraised atlantean nessie.
My Fischmas Nessies
I think someone gave me a duped fish. What do I do with it. Will I get banned if i sell it? It is the Big Greedy Ancient Meg at the bottom, it is exaclty 75,000 kg soo. what do i do
My Last 4 Nessies for trade
what can I offer for a nessie
LF crystalized, sunken, ghastly, sinister, solarblaze, and celestial lovestorm eels
Gamble or keep
LF lovestorm eels with certain mutations
What are the best things and what are they worth? ( From a Friend )
Second giveaway! Please upvote and comment your name, list of stuff will be in comments!!
This is what happens when you buy over a thousand relics and give them away. I'm almost out of relics and there's still people I haven't given them to. (I'm also only giving 20 at max per person...)