Team for golem?
Restaurant second floor is see-through. Hope you’re not wearing a skirt
The mods are asleep, Let me show you some of my latest "BALANCE" creation
the Ultimate healers and the Counter to them
Summarizing this sub Custom Cards
Breloom concept card
Since we are celebrating couple, let me show you this frozen pair
Gave this couple the love they deserve
Would something like this be too strong???
I made some Pika Variants
Can y'all start posting the sources for the art you're taking for all these concepts
Onix is one of my favorite Pokemons, so I gave him some Justice
Some card concepts for gen 3
Druddigon is one of my favorite Pokes, so I made an Offensive version. Tell me your opinion.
Wanted to create some Pokes that interact with the discard pile. I hope they ended up balance
This is definitely the best evo line that I have created. What do you guys think?? To good? Not good enough??
Can anyone tell me how to claim these?!
I think i finally reach balance with these 2 cards. Give me your honest opinions
Who is this?
I'm sorry Tae-Who
I have taken all of your advice and made this cards. Give me your opinions
Am I the only only one who doesn't have the winstreak emblem? What's your experience
What do you guys think about adding this card to the game?
I want it to make a deck with Tyranitar, but always ended up lacking energy. Do you think a card like this would work or is this too strong???
Doing my Pokémon Research, I found out the three legendary birds have variant and got inspired to make this. Do you think they are balance??