Landlord Filed Late for 2024 Rent Increase & Missed 2025 Deadline Too – What Can I Do?
Friendly reminder that housing as a means of profit is inherently theft
Pulling my hair out. I Can't get 4k 120hz on Sony A80J connected to PC.
Landlords infesting this subreddit
11.9% rent increase
Am I out of touch or is the rental situation in this city completely broken?
Apart from having a record on the TAL and paying the 90 dollar fee if you lose, what’s the downside of contesting a rent increase?
9.1% rent increase
Seems like A LOT more people are contesting their rent increases this year
A decent amount of stock is actually trickling in every day at Canada Computers
105 Rue Milton – Avoid at All Costs
CC still has campers
most montréal stock i’ve ever see
Canada Computers near me told they are changing their stock policy
Are 12vhpwr cables interchangeable?
FE on Bb now
Have BB 5090s dropped today yet?
5080 and 5070 ti drop right now
No BB drop?
How are the 5070s also selling out instantly too?
Should I keep my Zotac RTX 5080 purchase?
Would a 9900x bottleneck a 4090 at 4K?
AITA For trolling GPU scalpers by having them drive as far as possible for a sale I have no intention of going to?
9900x for mix of productivity and gaming?
So there’s no workaround at all for Quebec BB apparently