LF: BDSP spinda touch trade for dex FT: version exclusives touch trade
LF: Shiny Zigzagoon or Linoone FT: Shiny Galarian zigzagoon first.
Need help evolving my electabuzz on scarlet please
[gen 5] Finally got my Shiny Keldeo. All that’s left is to get the shiny Meltan
LF Shiny Regidrago, Shiny Regice, Shiny Blacephalon, shiny offers
LF Malicious Armor, FT Auspicious Armor (SV)
LF: Different language ditto (other than ENG), doesn't have to have amazing stats. Will trade Violet Exclusives or ditto (ENG) for a swap.
What are some of your favorite food combinations that others might think are weird but you actually enjoy?
LF Shield version exclusives
Does anybody wanna do a soul link wonder trade ?
[8] After many hours, my lil squad is complete! (3324, 1311, 947 and 2293 revives!)
Project Z
Lf glastier ft spectrier touch trade
Looking to borrow a Kubfu.
Looking for a Munchlax
Drampa giveaway SW/SH
Shiny kyogre givaway!
Drampa giveaway
If you could instantly implement one change to the way elections are conducted in your country, what would it be and why do you believe it would improve the democratic process?
How long does it take to complete the pokedex?
What's your fav pokemon?
What is the worst injury that you have experienced?
What makes you happy?
Catchy pop bangers that are actually sad?
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?