Disappointed in Happiest Baby
Not snark.. just wanted people to be aware of this and this brand. This is so messed up by the brand… poor Brooklyn
If she would just admit…
Legs purple with red splotches after shower
Cockroach discount
What happened here?
How can I address my wife's recent weight gain in a caring, honest, and supportive way that encourages a healthy approach?
Comparable podcasts
New Tik tok.
Has anyone watched this yet?
Addie’s daughter
Car Towed, not reported to KPD or UTPD
If you found out your girlfriend was infertile, what would you do?
Places that offer sedation for IUD placement?
How did Hannah know the gender
Hannah knows the gender
Those why stay with a cheater partner. Why would you do that?
What is the adult version of finding out that Santa Claus doesn't exist?
Sooo excited to see it.
Bobbi Althoff interviewed Mark Cuban and mentioned "D-list celebrities" that she had on her podcast in the past. Any chance that's Colleen from Bobbi's now-deleted first episode?🤣
What should one do in their 20s to avoid regrets in their 30s and 40s?
I’m tired of having the same disagreement about my job with my boyfriend.
If men stare at “ass and titties”, what do women stare on a guy when we aren’t looking?