How the FUCK I can quick scope with this ? (Ignore the build btw idonno what I was doing)
The sub was at its peak when there was real drama going on
Hello everyone, one of the OG furnaces here! Here are the few things I did as Furnace Police in Season 1
How is Emberfall doing? Is the law in order?
Official Election results: New moderator chosen!
Added some easter egg keywords for automod to reply to :)
This is my cat, Della. She likes pretty colors.
Starting WBSU Space Agency
Furnace police here, the "boycott ilovefurnace" issue must not get violent.
Do negative upvotes drop down my karma?
I am about to give up on Reddit
Welcome to the Official Election for the new moderator
Candidate disqualified
Possible plugged drain pipe
Flag of Furnace
Ignicis: Indecent acts of international violence
Don’t vote for me (just don’t)
I purchased a new phone and got earbuds in the box
Voting guidelines for upcoming election
Fun fact: AI can also provide not interesting information
I'm confused what's going on.
Leaders of South Arcania (if there are any), I propose a plan to build a Canal here!
Don’t vote me
Moderator Election Announcement
Vote me or I shoot you