How did French end up with the verb manquer (to miss) working “backwards” compared to English? Are there other examples?
Free to read - Aoife Barry: ‘The Irish Language is cool now but in a totally new way’
What makes an author great to you?
3 hUaire vs. 3 Uair
I’m sick of this tired, sloppy, barely thought through talking point. From The Telegraph: “Social justice is destroying the pleasure of reading.”
Please put translation requests and English questions about Irish here
Tabhair dom do seanfhocal is fearr
I accidentally discovered a sneaky trick…
Anyone Familiar with SaySomethingIn?
Siopa leabhar Gaeilge i nua-eabhrac?
Cad iad na difríochtaí maidir le fuaimniú idir an modh choinníollach agus an aimsir ghnáthchaite?
Do Brandon Sanderson and George RR Martin have similar prose?
Language revival
Why is there pressure to gain a native accent?
Does English have any words that are untranslatable to other languages?
Are there any languages so different from indoeuropean languages that it is impossible to decently translate from them and you need to know the language and read the original in order to properly understand books in that language?
Q&A weekly thread - March 03, 2025 - post all questions here!
An bhfuil foclóir maith ríme as Gaeilge?
Does every language have the same intonation patterns for questions and the like?
Taisce Chanúintí na Gaeilge
50 Hours Comprehensible Input only review
First time Sanderson reader loosing interest
Hot take: Learners should not be entitled and expect/demand native speakers to speak to them in their TL.