Favorite Unpopular Villager?
Type your favorite monster without using the crossed out letters
type your favorite brawler's name without using the crossed out letters
Rare Congle shares some sprites with Tweedle’s concept art.
Tell me... whats the mix of the cold element and the earth element combined together? (Cold + earth)
Grumpyre and Owlesque’s concept art look alike.
Say "Msm is" and let autocorrect finish it (image unrelated)
buzz buzz
Tell me... whats the mix of the plant element and the fire element combined together? (Plant + fire)
Rare Periscorp
Rare Blow’t
My favorite monsters: magicals page 2!
Favorite Monsters (3hrs 26m)
Mean Green
Mpg 😢
First Wave of Magical favorites!
What’s your favorite prismatic
colossingum grid plan
Fandhull - Cold Primordial
What are your biggest Achievement
Shout out to the time this happened
Tunefor - Air Primordial