Elective induction or c section - which would you choose? 37 weeks, FTM
What is your LDS vampire/human hybrid squishname??
(NSFW) Ladies, what’s our sex life looking like 4 months PP?
When did you actually give birth?
How do you shut up that internal voice that tells you that you could've had a miscarriage without knowing?
What are some things no one told you about pregnancy and newborns?
How do you control your pregnancy hunger?
When did you start drinking coffee again!?
Has anyone eaten sushi while pregnant?
How long did it take you to figure out you were pregnant and what were your first symptoms?
Why choose an unmedicated birth?
How long have you been breastfeeding? Post and let us celebrate you. (Even 1 day counts!)
Giving birth full bush?
How to deal with baby not hitting milestones at the “right” age?
What do you wish you had known or done before baby arrived?
Do me a favor and ask your spouse..
did you actually throw up during your pregnancy?
At how many weeks did u deliver baby for first time moms?
What’s one pregnancy symptom no one talks about?
Pregnancy Rhinitis
What relief did you notice immediately or shortly after giving birth?
I just wanna show off my lashes
How do we feel about this? Truthfully.
at what age should your child be completely potty trained? 🚽
Screen toddlers vs non-screen Toddlers