What is the role of women according to the Mormon church?
Do you miss the community ?
Are those intrusive thoughts real?? ( pls tell me the truth )
Existentialism, secularism, nihilism and religious dogma
Would you wear this at work?
The War No One Talks About
Using women’s wombs to spread a religion or ideology
4 hidden fears you don’t even realize you have
Community, men and women
Serious question from a Muslim
What obstacle(s) are holding back the most progress worldwide?
Where did the Islam Classroom channel go?
I'm scared of the what iffs, if I left and there actually is a God and because I didn't believe, I am now going to hell.
The claim in the Quran that the moon was split in half proves that the Quran isn't the word of God, and is a false religion.
Interesting video to watch
Enlightenment in peacful and modern times
I la xenofòbia?
Catcalling in Morocco
A salafi sub......
Brooklyn Sanctuary
Victorian women with unusual very short hair. Photos from the 1850s a 1880s
We Will Win In The End No Matter What
What I observe in this subreddit
When Pakistan values women’s lives more the U.S.
blonde, ginger, or auburn?