The future isn’t looking good
which template is the best?
Favorite Astro Template for a blog, portfolio and opt-in pages?
Made my first Astrojs template wih blogging support
My first Astro template with blogging support
It is possible to have google oauth without server code for the "callback" ?
How Do You Start Your Astro Projects? Boilerplates, from Scratch, or Themes?
Struggling to Grasp Vue.js – Need Advice!
How can people call something so beautiful a sin?
I hate people for this
Reusable Tailwind UI blocks for your Vue 3 projects
As a Nigerian, and more broadly as a human being navigating the complexities of life, do you want children or not?
SaaS components for Vue
Why does Vue have less Component Libraries than React?
I made a set of free UI blocks with Tailwind CSS—grab them now!
I created free UI blocks using Tailwind CSS & Vue!
First timer
Looking for agnostic and atheist friends
This werey don throw Another lamba
My life abroad feels fake as I miss my family so much
Faith for Sale: How Nigeria’s Evangelical Churches Fuel Corruption and Exploit the Masses
Best themes for a showcase website?
2024 is almost over! What have you built this year?
2024 is almost over! What have you built this year? 🤔
I made my first $100k on fiverr AMA