How long did you push?
Who is this (man or woman) in Mississauga?
Due in July best advice for newborns or anything you weren’t told you wish you were
Thinking about getting Two Point Hospital.
Am I the only parent that does this...?
Was the birth/graduation as bad as you imagine?
“Geriatric” Pregnancy
How many weeks were you when you gave birth to your first?
What's your baby "dropped, rolled, fell" story?
Anyone know what the heck this is for? It came in a baby gift basket.
Has your birth certificate from your November birth arrived? [on]
Family Almost hit by parking vehicle in Burlington parking lot.
Co-sleep, or bassinet?
My wifi network name is PrettyFlyForAWifi. What's yours?
Best moments with your newborn so far?
Who’s my Twinnem ? I’ve never seen someone that looks like me
I will never have a baby in the winter time again
Anyone else have a baby this year?
Any parents get the RSV vaccine for their baby yet? [on]
Baby won’t sleep in bassinet / only sleeps on chest — I can share my survival from the other side!!
People tell me all the time I look like someone famous and my parents say I look like
Which movie scene is so good, that deserves the place on the wall?
I’ve only been compared to a celebrity twice in my life years apart and both times it was the same person. Thoughts?
New parents of Oct-Dec babies, are you doing Santa pics this year?
Who’s my lookalike? Never been told I look like anyone.