225 x 4 ohp PR
Monthly Lifting Gear Thread
🔥 How a Flash Flood opens up
Finally got 405
What is americas best sandwich?
Stoked for my bench press PR 💪🏾
Are there any notable powerlifters that had an awful start?
How do people train for push pull meets?
Rant Wednesday
How should the NBA fix its tanking problem in the future?
405lbs - Amazing moment!
Trent Ryan completely misses the ball trying to hit out of an atrocious lie
329KG (725LBS) @167
Every Second-Daily Thread - March 11, 2025
Weekly Dumb/Newb Question Thread
Gym Story Saturday
Why did you decide to compete?
Victory Sunday
Powerlifting Victory Thread
2nd multiply powerlifting meet in the books. 705lbs squat (100lb PR), 325lbs bench (had a big drop in BW which hit bench the hardest), 550lbs deadlift (20lb PR) for a 1580lb total (80lb total PR)
You are ice blocking, my friend
192kg/423lb conv deadlift pr
Every Second-Daily Thread - March 04, 2025
My gf took off her pants to shower
First meet