Can I drink caffeine the morning after MDMA?
Is it easier to measure doses if I dilute the powder?
Fentanyl Testing
No scale, how to dose safely?
If i take acid can i smoke qeed with it for my 1st time?
Need advice
Wim Hof breathing exercises on MDMA feel like indescribable bliss.
When does the fun end
Albino Penis Envy first dose?
I’m on seroquel, rexulti, adderall and want to take mdma
Best two songs that have the same name (so not a cover - two different songs)
Best way how to space out roll
What are some good songs/bands to listen to for some non-english music?
dosing for a TWO DAY FESTIVAL
Taking 'gift' from parent without mental capacity
Best ways to sneak shrooms into a festival?
How much should I take for my first time
Mdma and ket???
What is your boofing dose as a percentage of your oral dose?
Is the seller scamming me?
Is MDA only ever found in North America? Never seen it in Europe.