Washington DC about to be a whole other place.
Sexuality aside, would you date the Emperor of Mankind? Would you let Him hold your tiny form in His huge divine arms? Romantic love for the Emperor is still love for the Emperor, yes?
Does anyone else feel like this?
My thylacine sona ☀️ !
Names that mean, or sound like, "lucky" ?
A new sona of mine, Croustillon the clown bunny ! 🎪💖
My oarfish-based fursona, Kipper 🎏
I drew my fursona, I hope you like it ! 🎏
Name suggestions please? 🪿
Name suggestions?
Sonic rainboom fanart !
Reply with exactly three words, and I'll make you a bad VTM character
What’s the cringiest thing you ever seen a band do on stage?
Why do people hate Loona?
[NEW] Falling In Reverse - "Ronald"
I recently designed myself a fursona!
My boyfriend is explaining the 40k lore to me, this is what I understood so far
The Lovers
Latias fursona!
Map from the D&D "Dragonlance : Shadow of the Dragon Queen" book
My(19m) sister(18f) wants me to get my best friend(19m) drunk for her
What song is currently stuck in your head but you really like it? [serious]
I told my boyfriend he isn’t an artist just because he keeps “making” and sending me AI art.
I am a man and I wear women's lingerie
I (m21) slapped my girlfriend (f20) out of reflex when i woke up to her doing certain things to me.