Does Josh A have a mental illness
Robert Pattinson as Gilderoy Lockhart
Drop your best hygiene tips
It's a long shot, but I have what I think are two unique LOTR posters, and I would really love to be able to complete the trilogy.
Tips for first time cat mom! 🙏🏻
Don't look at me
AITAH for not wearing the anniversary gift that my gf bought me ?
If Nintendo finally decides to add a goomba to Mario Kart, I hope it's this one.
Dying of laughter at this rn
Quote by Clement of Alexandria
Should we be prepping?
Are we all just putting up with it?
Currently crying.
me after meeting him twice
My fiancé recently read all the Lord of the Rings books so I sewed him a themed Christmas stocking
Treated vs Untreated
When you truly Wake Up; there is no going back...
Guys seriously is she ok.
It honestly feels like I’m doing something horrible
what do you think of his new song, no angel?
Peep and Emma <3
I feel like my own brain works against me. Why am I like this lmao
In the books, Merry is described as having brown hair and Pippin's is "almost golden". Why did they swap hair colors for both Jackson and Bakshi's movies?
My bfs mom knows me too well 💚