This ep was so sad
Suggest me a book
I made my bulletin board for ME
The Pitt theories/analysis from an avid TV watcher and lover of ER
Does anybody else experience an epidemic of parents just throwing out every paper in their kids' backpacks?
I Can’t Think For You 😑
Thoughts on Tara?
what’s a book that changed your life
Whitaker is 33 irl
Got a picture of the cat that sometimes lays on the grates between close-hipp and Grambling.
On the fence about RYs interviews
My scholars are always ready to learn!
Applying for a job for the Fall right now
To the younger and new generations of viewers…
Almost crossing the line?
Baby’s name is archer
Unpopular opinion: this show is a little tooooo realistic
Do you think a paralyzed person could walk again if turned into a zombie?
I got a Buffy tattoo!
I'm incredibly frustrated with admin and I don't know what to do
Which is your first watched video to know Good Mythical Morning?
I hate my job already
Did anyone else think Wonderhole was going to be more TV show-like with narrative storytelling?
What is a musical you desperately want to see get revived?
How many of you go by your middle name?