Everything went wrong, no hope for the future
Tesla kills small child... over and over again.
Does NASA count?
Is this invasive?
Best place to sell good quality second-hand men's suits?
Am I wrong for thinking about using a different snapper?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
What happened here?
I received a prepaid visa card with the exact amount of dollars engraved
Update: Neighbors won’t stop driving through my yard
Got this message from an employer today
Where can I sit on a pointy spike somewhere in the city?
I have a healthy stack of credits that I have never used. What are they for?
My roses from valentine's day have grown leaves and stopped drying up
Left out of the will. Estate likely tied up in Trust
Mechanic has had my motorcycle for FOUR months and it’s still not finished
Anyone with low cgpa made it in life here? This depressed student need motivation…..
In New Zealand, when prescribed Tylenol, this is what you get for $2.80 USD
I found a grey-market sex pill in my front yard.
If all tools and machines suddenly disappeared could people recreate everything to our current standard?
Guy is fired from 7/11 with no warning after 3 years, his single father coworker is also fired.
why is there just a sheep in my neighbour's backyard
I've just noticed...
Ventilation set up
Taking Money out of Kiwisaver