Anyone read Marchen Crown the new manga drawn by RoR artist
Don't know if everyone already know it but there is new manga from collaboration with several artist including Azychika. Seem interesting so I post it here if anyone interested
Volume 24 Extras in Hd
Why Shiva don't like his dance style while Afrodite thinks his dance style is seductive ?
It's a strange way to dance ? YES or NO ?
In hindsight, Thor killing Incubus was probably a mercy. Imagine if Loki found out what he did.
Baldur’s Death is the most assassin thing. Please let it be part of Loki’s backstory or moveset
Tier list based on who won their rounds
Calling it now.
Who are your favorite characters from Shuumatsu No Valkyrie (spin-off included)?
Season 3 Prediction
Where are these from? I found them on Pinterest and I'm confused because it looks good and said official?
Are all of you disagree or agree with this statement go ahead then
Would you rather the opening for season 3 be closer to Kamigami or Rude Lose Dance?
Season 3 Announcement!
The first half of season 3 is ending here, mark my words
New official art~
Can we all agree that some Simo fans can be so insufferable?
Just Tweeted By The Anime Account!
It is high time for a round where a Human completely dominates the God. I think this is the Round.
At a local wedding in the 1970s Simo Häyhä was confronted by a politically active person who pointed a gun at him and asked 'How would you like if I shot you?'. Häyhä just walked away.
Is this confirmed?