Random power
has this tech been discovered yet?
Give me a cosmetic that you dislike/hate and I will try to make a good loadout with it to change your mind.
Which warpaint do you think is the best for this soldier loadout?
Are there any cosmetics i could use for a Neptune's nightmare cosmetic loadout?
Which hat do you prefer on this scout loadout? The Millennial Mercenary (painted Peculiarly Drab Tincture) or El Jefe?
Which war paint do you like the most on this Heavy loadout? If you prefer none of them, could you suggest a better one?
Can you suggest a warpaint/decorated weapon for the Pistol that would work with both this Scout and Engineer loadout?
Coaxed into a reaction meme
Which hat do you prefer on this sniper loadout? The Brim-Full of Bullets (painted Team Spirit) or Corona Australis?
What cosmetic could work with this sniper cosmetic loadout?
Give me a cosmetic that you like but couldn't make a good loadout with it and I will try and make it work.
I’m going for a priest medic loadout, any room for improvement?
Which style and paint is better on this Engineer loadout?
If you combine the HDMI Patch with the Hood of Sorrows you can make the illusion that demoman has two eyes.
I made my first skin for TF2... ''Team Brothers''
What are your thoughts on theses Demoman loadouts and which do you prefer?
Which helmet is the best one for this spy loadout?
Does this warpaint (Team detail) on the Winger look good with this loadout? If not, which warpaint would be better?
What do you think about this knight loadout on Scout and if it can be improved?
Thoughts on this biker loadout for Scout?
Which warpaint for the Revolver is the best for this Spy loadout?
Which warpaint for the Claidheamh Mòr is better for this demoman loadout?
Why is disscusion on team recognition and the artstyle has become so divisive?
What do you think about this Engineer loadout and how to improve it?