Conspiracy Theories tiers
Morse Code Guide
How many times do you need a particular skill/DOPs signed off?
Could they ask for a HiNTS or a dix hallpike manouvre in the OSCE
How to stay informed
Which Anki pre-made decks are best for 1st year?
How do I manage this?
How much money do you save a month? F1/F2 docs only
How long does it take you to understand and acc do the anki on a lecture
What did you enjoy in a GP placement?
Mo Salah MRCP Part 2 Written Deck
During lectures?
I'm so confused about how to study for UKMLA efficiently and well...
Asset Rich, Cash Poor - seeking advice on options
I cannot believe the number of doctors in training programmes I've met for whom this is their first job in the NHS
Any good recommendations for shows to watch while eating?
Passmed for finals
I just passed my final exam. I'm now a doctor guys😎
Anyone know how to download the passmed knowledge model?
To the top students of their batch, what do you do differently that keeps you ahead of others?
How would you change med school?
What was the most recent movie you watched?
Anki is the bomb!
What are your hobbies and interests?
UKMLA Exam coming up. Feels or no feels ?