Cren que los hombres ya prefieren este tipo de personas?????
A typical Venezuelan dish, cachapa, is like a corn pancake with tasty, super-soft cheese.
Le han dado su leche a una milf?
ACCADDE OGGI, 17 Marzo 1861, Vittorio Emanuele II viene nominato Re d'Italia, l'Italia viene unita.
Find the road runner. Meep meep
Era ateo, después evangelico, ahora católico, preguntas?
Anche tu hai voglia di farti la pipì addosso, a volte?
Where is the squirrel? 🐿️
Soy lesbiana y me dan inseguridad los hombres
¿Qué cerveza prefieres oscura o clara?
Giorgio de Chirico - Piazza d'Italia (1970)
Today I had fried eggs with arepas for dinner
Find the cat
What is it?
There are two cats
Find Lena, the cat
Find the Snek. The picture was taken from a video so I apologize for the quality.
Find the pig
I made creamy carbonara
There's a cat over there...
Patentino per fare la guida turistica
[Homemade] Ziti Bolognese/Ragu
Poetas hispanohablantes con rima y métrica.
Who Do I Look Like?
La cena ideal... Arepas!