Royal Oak superintendent Fitzpatrick to retire after 40 years in education
Finally one of the ones that can say “It happened”
this winter has been extra hard :/
Tumble Rug Pad
I am tired of Summer Reading
Depression has left my clothes with a smell that I can't seem to wash out, please help.
i will never ever take for granted a “normal” norovirus season ever again
General Parenting Influencer Snark Week of February 17, 2025
What is it like living with a samoyed?
Terrified of the norovirus
Ladyspinedoc ick
Is the juice worth the squeeze?
Rewearing sick clothes
9 hours of waiting at Corewell ER
Today was a win!
Puppy Potty Problems!
In my car trying to pull it together.
Laughing at myself (again)
Lightsaber School in Royal Oak
Any negatives to your Samoyed?
What is your cringiest Elyse moment, or what little quirk irritates you the most?
Training samoyeds
I’m done with letting this phobia control and ruin my life