Suggestion for name
Please help, I think I've messed up somehow!
Is this square bowl big enough for my king betta? He looks kinda mad
What is this? A bruise?
Betta boy
Anyone knows whats this? Found it sticking on my tank.
Shrimps not moving ⁉️
My betta disappeared?
Should I add more fish?
Introducing Black Gold to his new buddies
Is this stressful or aggressive behaviour?
1 gallon shrimp tank?
What's this white patch on my shrimp?
Can you help me identify the breeds?
Need advice on transitioning shrimp to new tank
String like object in tank
Full grain leather tore in half. Should I send it back?
Why do they love going to the sides of the containers? I almost never see them in the center!
New shrimp owner, amonia level
Is this sufficiently planned for guppies and shrimps?
Rate 1-10
What's wrong
Advise needed
Anything to improve
Can i still collect above 5k toto prize if im below 21?