“This baby is built by ____”
Who do you think I am haha
If you don’t already have a name what are you calling your little human?
How do you shut up that internal voice that tells you that you could've had a miscarriage without knowing?
Flu - should I guard my heart?
I’m pregnant and sad about my miscarriage.
Baby names that starts with the letter ‘’J’’
I want to watch an extremely disturbing movie
Just came back from the grocery store, what are the vibes?
Names for a girl that could have the nickname Frankie?
Earliest Signs of Pregnancy
What’s it saying?
Just grocery shopped. Who am I?
My 3 yr old complains of butt and vagina pains?
Hospital bag??
How are y’all having sex?
What's the most notable physical feature in your partner that you never stop staring at and really love about them?
FTM when did you first feel movement/kicking?
Fridge and Freezer, what’s it saying? 👀
Describe what parenting is like for you right now in one word.
Losing Symptoms 9 weeks?
What the best time to go to sleep?
In general, is middle school as difficult or less difficult for boys?