H: GAbe, GUni and GPig W: Non-Fas apparel
[XB1] H: Glowing unicorn W: 2 stabilizers, 2 pyros, 6 rangers
[Discussion] Values of masks versus 4* mods
H: Glow Jack W: leaders an apperal offers
[Xb1] Glowing Scorchbeast Queen W: 2 x BOSJS
H:Fiend Mask W:Polished and other mods
H: GAbe W: FCJS + ?
[xb1] H: decent 4 star mods W: Fas offers
[xb1] H: 4 star mods W: Fas offers
H: 4 star mods W: Fas/apparel offers
H: Gpig + mod add W: Grobot
H: max caps W: any non-glow rare Fas
H: legacy BOS initiate paint plan W: offers (no mods)
H: Glowing robot W: 350 leaders
[xb1] H: Gpig + mods W: Grobot
H: Gpig W:4 star bundles/lesser rare apparel
[xb1] H: GSBQ and GSB W: GTurkey and GMino
H: Loon W: Offer
H: GSB + mod add W: GMino
[XB1] H: Masks pictured, junk, leaders, quantums mods and caps. W: Red Asylum or TFJ
H: pictured W: GSBQ
H:Stuff In picture (also some stuff in description) W:Offers
H: Glowing Turkey W: Offers
[xb1] H: 5 reflect, 5 rangers, 5 pounders, 5 rejuv, and 5 scanners W: Fas offers