What’s the sexiest name you know?
Russell Dalrymple’s beautiful apartment
Did Darth Vader contribute anything positive to the galaxy while serving the Empire?
Where is Heaven & hell located?
You announce the way you wanna announce, I'll announce the way I wanna announce.
What’s a movie that made you laugh so hard you couldn’t stop?
Missing Keycard cost a lot of lives. Click to view the full pic
If I hear “LET’S GO” one more time, I might actually leave
Simu Liu reacts to Shang-Chi finally returning in 'Avengers: Doomsday'
Anyone Saw These Jesus Movies Yet?"
Is Cox really that bad?
Good-ish Werewolf Movies
Taylor Swift now rumored to have entered talks for a mysterious Marvel Cinematic Universe role...
Is it sinful to say "What the hell?"
As 2025 baseball season is about to begin, what are your favorite references on Seinfeld?
Is Miguel from Ecuador? or is he Mexican? Or American?
Help with body camera recording
If you can only eat 1 fruit for the rest of your life, what would it be ?
Mullins town hall chat
Who is this generation's current or emerging version of Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, or Steve Irwin?
Is it okay to ask for a "happy birthday" from here?
Looking at a mattress from costco
Tulsa’s First Gen X Party
Senator Mullin to Host Live Telephone Town Hall on Monday 3/24 - U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma
Just had a Dutch Bros open up in Gainesville, FL! How does it compare to Starbucks? Scooters? Any Suggestions for first drink (preferable caffeinated)