what’s a song you love but don’t see anyone talking about? (alternatively, a SUPER underrated song?)
Making vocaloid photos based on the song title Part4 (Weekender Girl)
Type your Username and I will guess your Personal Info
Circle if you know this Fanloid! (bingo)
I'm gonna cry I didn't do my math exam well and
wonder what that criminal's thinking of
Feed them!
Ask me a question about Danganronpa and then edit it to turn my response into a real idiot
Favorite underrated song from a popular producer? (Images related since the first one is thirst, second one is sanjyou both by maretu, both of these are so good but barely get recognized)
I hope my child (if I have one) grows up to look like her I’m being so deadass
Nagito literally ruined their lives
Nagito Komaeda talks passionately talks about pickle rick for... some minutes, and sings rhinestone eyes
What the fuck am I doing instead of studying for the math exam
Gays I found something
Bro I’m not talking to fucking “mind band” im taking to mind brand 💔
What the hell is IYAIYAYO about?!
…4000..? (Never using c.ai ever again)
Maretu logo recreation
Which producer do you wanna see more of? I'll start
Which is a song that was super popular but now people don't talk about it
whats a song thats so good you dont even care its overplayed?