Doorbell & outdoor camera recommendations
Help me choose! Looking to upgrade my BBE to either LM Linea Micra or Lelit Bianca. Also seeking grinder recommendations + other questions inside [$5,000]
HomeKey stopped working with Level Lock+ after Matter Upgrade. Unpaired/reset but could not repair with HomeKit afterwards. Potential fix inside...
LPT: Clean your AC condenser unit!!
Logi Circleview Doorbell Motion Sensor
Mac Studio night views
Nest Wifi Pro offline for almost 5 hours "because the domain name system (DNS) resolution failed" - any possibility pi-hole could cause this?
Picked up the Aqara G5 Pro after wanting a decent outdoor HKSV cam for ages now. Thoughts inside.
29 M. Girl dad. Living solo.
Tapo C120 via Scrypted (docker) on RPi 4 - HKSV notifications are horribly delayed + recordings are very choppy. What am I doing wrong?
maybe this isnt news, but you can find words on a page in safari
Just Found Sub and Can Ask Question.
TV light recommendations
The Aqara Camera Hub G5 Pro (video)
My WFH office setup. Half work/half play.
Metal water bottle fell down the stairs from the top step and hit the bannister post before reaching the ground. Is this possible to repair?
what pens are those, why are there so many, and why are they so fat?
Burger King employee caught sharing customer’s credit card information with her friend via Facetime.
I want to make my dumb fireplace smart
The life of solitude is no more, Felix got a tank mate today.
First time fish owner (brought home 2 days ago) please let me know how I can improve, or any tips and tricks. I want to give him the best life I can. His name is Paulie Walnuts.
First tank and betta fish - is my setup ok?
My current EDC
[Game Thread] ALDS Game 4 - Guardians (1) @ Tigers (2) - October 10, 2024