Need some answers
Will H1B layoffs play a part in bubble bursting?
Women who converted to Islam, why did you do it?
Muslim Identity
Muslims answer
Husband not praying
Docs, nurses, EMTs of reddit, whats something people you see say “i bet you’ve never seen this” about, and u gotta be like “nah actually it happens like all the time”?
Girlies with dry eyes/blocked ducts, are you using Kohl, if so what brands would you recommend?
Her water broke. This is pure comedy.
Wanting to Revert
Sealy Posturepedic Carver 11
Ninja cap strangle me help
What is an Islamic belief that you initially struggled to understand but now appreciate deeply?
Where do you buy your abayas in the US?
Don’t want to sound like a victim but I am just feeling really down because Ramadan feels so lonely for me
As a veiling christian what do I do when hijabis say the islamic greeting?
Mubarak Mortgage experience?
What do you picture in your heads while praying?
Deciding to be childfree
Doubts regarding second marriage thing
I’m 47 before I found this out
Madinah first?
MoveIT class action lawsuit legit?
My wife is pregnant for the first time