Stevens Creek blocked off by Valley Fair?
piercing rules
FTM, suggestions?
Bars or restaurants that let you take alcohol to go?
keyboard users what’s your hand position?
Jobs to work 1 week per month?
got my tattoo signed at last night’s show!
Are my starting fitness goals good? I [18F] want a toned body with abs :/
I can’t tell what a ‘normal’ amount of calories is anymore
Interesting ways to serve a kid eggs?
AITA for asking an annoying pest of a waiter to leave us alone during a serious conversation?
performative pizza
What is a popular food/ingredient that you find disgusting?
healthy ish drink ideas?
I’m (20F) not happy with BF’s (23M) Valentine’s gift, do I say something?
Starbucks drinks
(tw for violence/murder mentions) at first i thought it was a joke, until i saw the articles 🫠
feel like my bf hates me when he asks for space
i hate the pastry case